The Original AA's Barbeque (MJ Cuenco Branch)

On my second visit to Cebu with my family, I brought them to another branch of AA's Barbeque, not only because I want them to try the food there, but it's also near our next destination, the Plaza Independencia and Fort San Pedro.
I love their food on my first visit so I wanted to see if my family will love it too. The restaurant in this branch is bigger than the one in A.S Fortuna St., although it's also a favorite spot for locals on their lunch break.
The menu in this branch is limited compare to the other branch, and there's not much fresh seafood to choose from. Anyway, we're satisfied with what we saw and ordered the ones we like. 
Honestly, I can't remember what the food taste like, maybe because it's just the same with the regular we're having everyday. The fresh fruit juice, though, still amazes me! It's perfect for a very hot day!
Oh and this branch has an unlimited serving of dirty ice cream. It's located at the center of the restaurant and you can get as much as you want! If you are going to visit Fort San Pedro and the Plaza Independencia and need to eat, drop by at this restaurant and have your self a very delicious dirty ice cream!

Address:  MJ Cuenco, Legaspi Ext., Cebu City, Cebu


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