Skip the Long Line at the Peak Tram Terminus! Book Now!
When I was making our itinerary for our Hong Kong trip, I stumbled on an online ticketing store that offers a great value. At first, I was skeptic to buy online since there's a lot of false advertisements these days. However, their offer is really cheap that I had to try. I booked online and crossed my finger that it's not a scam. As soon as I clicked confirm order, I received the e-voucher and I was really excited because I got the best deal.

DIY TRAVEL GUIDE: Leyte Province (Northern Leyte)


Leyte is an island in the Philippines that was divided into two provinces, Leyte Province (Northern Leyte) & Southern Leyte. The division of the island into two provinces was due to the difficulty of managing the government affairs of the entire island from the main city (Tacloban). Another reason is the language barrier for Cebuano-speaking South-westerner and the Waray Easterners. Many of them also understand English and Tagalog.
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