Taoyuan International Airport: Transfer/Transit Procedure for Connecting Flights

This post is for all first timer travelers/tourist with connecting flights in Taoyuan International Airport (TPE) in Taiwan. I already posted a blog about transfer between terminals, so I thought I should also post the transfer procedure for connecting flights.  Please find below:

4D/3N Taiwan Original Itinerary

Just in case you need a reference itinerary for your trip in Taiwan, here's the original itinerary I prepared prior to our travel. We had to skip some of the attractions due to lack of time, so there's a minimal change in the actual itinerary. Travel time in this itinerary is based on my research and google maps. I will be posting a separate post for the actual itinerary with the actual travel time so you can plan your trip better.

Funny Tourism Slogans...more fun in the Philippines!

I was looking for a slogan of Leyte and found this. I find it so funny and to all Pinoys out there I know you will too. And for some, the first thing they'll do is to search for the funny slogan of their province! I did! (LOL)
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