Taoyuan International Airport: Arrival Procedure


There are 3 airports in Taiwan but Taoyuan is the busiest among them. Taoyuan or TPE Airport has two terminals for specific airlines. See below for the list of airlines assigned to each terminal. We've traveled via the Philippine Airlines and two my friends traveled via EVA Air, so we arrived at two different terminals.

Filling Up Disembarkation Card (Non-Citizen only) and Customs Declaration Form:

During the flight, the non-citizen passengers should fill up the disembarkation/arrival cards and customs declaration forms distributed by the crew, for ease in the processing. If you're sleeping and didn't get one, you can approach the man in uniform handing the card and helping visitors at the passport control (immigration) area. (Since 1 July 2016, visitors can fill up entry registration form online (online arrival card) and are encouraged to take advantage of this service visit: https://oa1.immigration.gov.tw/nia_acard/acardAddAction.action)


As soon as you stepped out of the plane and walk your way to the arrival area, you'll see a clear signs of where to go. Just follow the signs to get to the Passport Control (Immigration) area.


Human Quarantine Inspection:
Travelers proceeding to the fever screening station must remove their hat to facilitate infrared body temperature detection. Those suspected of health abnormalities must undergo quarantine measures in accordance with immigration quarantine regulations in Taiwan.

Passport Control (Immigration):

I can't remember passing through the fever screening station, but maybe this is just for people who are traveling sick so we headed straight to the passport control area. These are the required documents for Foreign Nationals entering Taiwan:

  • Passport
  • Visa
  • Onward Journey Ticket (I was not asked about this, but just to be safe present this along with your passport)
  • Arrival/Dismebarkation Card

    When making your itinerary, make sure to assign at least 20 minutes for the immigration process. That's my mistake because I only put 15 minutes because I thought it's as fast as the immigration process in Hong Kong. It took me almost 30 minutes because of a long line and system error. It actually got me worried because I thought they have found something on me and I will get denied.

    Luggage Claim:

    After passing through immigration, travelers should proceed to the baggage claim area to pick up their baggage. If you don't want to get your luggage yet or do not wish to take it through customs, you can avail of their Bonded Baggage for 24 hours. You may deposit if at the bonded luggage counter for collection on your departure.

    Make sure you listen carefully when announce the carousel/baggage claim number for your luggage I was too excited that I almost missed hadn't it been for my friend.

    Animal & Plant Quarantine Inspection:
    Travelers are not allowed to enter Taiwan with fresh fruit. Visitors bringing any animals /plants or such products are subject to Taiwan’s quarantine regulations and are required to make declarations with Customs or apply for quarantine inspection to the animal/plant quarantine authority. Any violation of such requirement will be subject to a penalty of more than NTD 3,000.

    The same rules apply when you try to bring fresh fruits out of Taiwan. We've met one Filipina bringing out of Taiwan fresh fruits and she had no choice but throw it away.

    Customs Inspection of Luggage:
    After claiming baggage, travelers whose baggage does not exceed duty free limitations and who are not carrying controlled or prohibited items or items with import restrictions should proceed to the counter labeled “Nothing to Declare” (green). Other travelers should proceed to the counter labeled “Goods to Declare” (red) to undergo customs procedures.

    Import Restrictions:

    • Items not on the List of Commodities Subject to Import and Export Restrictions, that maximum value US$20,000
    • Items to a value exceeding the above allowance, and items on the List of Commodities Subject to Import and Export Restrictions, that have an import license must be presented.

      How to Get Out of Taoyuan Airport? Please click here.


      1. Hi po, is it required po to have a photocopy of our passport? Thank You.

        1. I carry 3 copies of my passport...just in case.


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