How to Get to Cingjing (Qingjing) Farm from Taoyuan International Airport?

There are many options on how to get to Nantou County, specifically Cingjing Farm. It depends on your budget and how much time you have. For us, since we’re arriving earlier than the available schedule of shuttles, we opted to just contact someone for a car service.

On how to get to Taichung Station from the Airport, please click here.

Option 1: Car Service
Bus is not an option for us because the travel will take too much of our time. Car service is recommended if you are 4 or 5 people in a group because the price different versus van/shuttle is not that much. Aside from that, it’s more convenient because we don’t have to wait for other people or dropping people.

We’re staying in Cingjing Spring Ground Bed & Breakfast so we arranged a car prior to our departure. I have contacted them and negotiate for the price and what service we will avail. We’re only staying in Taiwan for 4 days and 3 Nights and we have a lot of places that we want to visit during our stay. So instead of arranging just a one way car service, I have negotiated with them for a drop off and pick-up the next day.

Their rate for drop off only is Php3, 596.00 for 4 people which give us Php899.00 per person. I asked my friends if they want a pick-up service the next day, and they said yes so I negotiated with the company.

I got the deal for NTD5, 000.00 (Php 7,804.70) for a group of 4 people. That gives us Php1, 951.18 per person. And I’m telling you, it’s really worth it because it’s really far and there are parts of the road that’s very scary because it’s zigzag going to the highest part of the county.

But of course, it also depends on your budget and time; so here’s the comparison of the total if you want to know how much the difference taking a bus, shuttle or car service.

I just searched the internet for possible car rentals and negotiate with them. Generally, Tawainese are very nice people. Here are the contact information of the person I contacted to arrange the car service. I will be providing 3 companies (individuals) because when my friend went back there in December, she got a different one.

1. Elite Tours Services Team
刘奕銘 (小奕)
Telephone / Whatsapp: 0981-900316

2. Driver: Meeky Yang

3. Driver: Phyllis Hung
Since the drivers are only allowed to the assigned areas they can service, we just met him at the parking area of Taichng High Speed Rail Station. We did not have a hard time locating him because of the information they provided ahead of time.

Option 2: via Bus
Most of the time, you will have to travel from the Airport to Taichung Station to get on the bus, shuttle or car going to the Nantou County. I have never found, in my many search, of a bus going directly from Taoyuan International Airport to Cingjing Farm.

One you are in Taichung Station, there are tickets booths located on the first floor, Exit 5 going to Nantou County. There a single journey ticket and a Cingjing Farm Pass Package, below is the price:
Regular Ticket (One Way): NT$251 (Php376.00)
Cingjing Farm Pass (Round Trip): NT$600.00 (Php899.00) Entrance Fee is NT$200.00 (Php299.00).

Make sure to buy the ticket that is bound direct for the Shouting Station in Nantou. Ask the staff at the Bus Counter to help you inform the driver to drop you off at the said station. Travel time is 2 hours and 10 minutes. Spring Ground B&B is just a 2-minute walk from the Shouting Station.

Taichung - Puli - Cingjing Farm Direct Bus

Below is the bus schedule from Taiching to Nantou:

Via: Shuttle Service
To get a cheaper deal, make sure to check Klook or KKDay when booking the shuttle going to Cingjing Farm. Make sure to check the schedule because it’s limited. The reason for this is, the road going to Cingjing is very scary at night, cars, shuttles and buses do not travel when it’s dark.

Once you booked the ticket, arrange with the company where you will be picked-up and dropped off. Easy getting in and out of Cingjing Farm, express ride super convenient. Customers can specify the pickup locations in Taichung airport, high-speed railway Taichung station, Taichung train station by the express shuttle to Cingjing bed & breakfast, and vice versa. We would opted for this service if only our arrival time in Taichung matches the schedule of the shuttle.

To know the price difference for the 3 options, see below:
Via Bus One Way (Estimated travel time is 2 1/2 to 3 hours):
Php45.00 - Bus fare Airport to High Speed Rail Taoyun Station
Php647.00 - Ticket Fare From Taoyuan Station to Taichung Station. This is if we book early, there's a 20% discount online. Original price is Php809.00.
Php376.00 - Bus Fare from Taichung Station to Spring Ground B&B
Php1, 068.00 - TOTAL

Via Car One Way (travel is 1 1/2 to 2 hours)
Php45.00 - Bus fare Airport to High Speed Rail Taoyun Station
Php647.00 - Ticket Fare From Taoyuan Station to Taichung Station. This is if we book early, there's a 20% discount online. Original price is Php809.00.
Php899.00 - Car Fare from Taichung Station to Spring Ground B&B
Php1, 591.00 – TOTAL

Option 3: Shuttle Service One Way (Estimated travel time is 1 1/2 to 2 hours)

Php45.00 - Bus fare Airport to High Speed Rail Taoyun Station
Php647.00 - Ticket Fare From Taoyuan Station to Taichung Station. This is if we book early, there's a 20% discount online. Original price is Php809.00.
Php765.00– Shuttle Service from Taichung Station to Spring Ground B&B
Php1, 457.00 – TOTAL

Please take note that you can use this as a reference, but still make sure that you check the internet or contact the drivers for the most updated rates and schedule.


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