Sariaya Church (Saint Francis of Assisi Parish Church)

A few steps from Natalio Enriquez Ancestral House stood the town's church, the Saint Francis of Assisi Parish Church. Same as the other churches in the Philippines, this one suffered a lot, from natural to man-made disasters.

The first structure was built in 1599, second was built in 1605, the third in 1641. When the town transferred to Lumangbayan the church which was built in 1703 was destroyed by earthquakes and floods. This event made the people to transfer the town to its present site and the church standing there today was built in 1748.
The church has a four-storey belfry that contains old bells and has the main features of the church, the old baptistery. It houses the replica of the medieval Santo Cristo de Burgos  or what the church is called, the patron saint St. Francis of Assisi. It is believed to be miraculous and visited by pilgrims from different provinces. It was considered miraculous when it was left unscathed after all the natural disasters and wars that destroyed the church.
I always see this church from the bus on my way to Marinduque. The color is interesting and since then I wanted to visit this church. And I'm glad I finally did even though it's just a short time! The next time I visit, I'll make sure to  explore more of the church.


  1. I've been to Sariaya but never was really able to explore the entire town because of lack of time. I noticed a beautiful colonial-looking building right in front of the church. Is that a municipal hall or an inn? Thanks.

  2. I've been to Sariaya but never was really able to explore the entire town because of lack of time. I noticed a beautiful colonial-looking building right in front of the church. Is that a municipal hall or an inn? Thanks.

    1. Hi Cynthia, that is a heritage house owned by former Governor Natalio Enriquez. I was only able to take pictures of the house, but hopefully I can explore the inside too..soon :)


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