Brunei Darussalam Shopping Centres

Yayasan Complex
One of the many reasons people travel is the pleasure of looking and finding something they like. Some people really go out of their way to buy native or unique local products that they can bring home to family, friends or just for themselves.

Brunei, is one of the countries in Asia that is tax free, but due to the cost of living and the exchange rate (at least to the other neighboring Asian countries), the savings were offset. Branded items can be found in big malls such as The Mall in Gadong, considered the largest mall in Brunei and the majestic Yayasan Complex in Bandar Seri Begawan.

Here are some of the shopping centres in Brunei, just in case you want to splurge or just window shop:
Yayasan Complex Supermarket
1. Hua Ho Department Store
Address: Unit 6&7, Bangunan G.P Goodwood, Jalan Gadong, Negara Brunei Darussalam
Phone#: +67(2)425-568
Fax#: +67(2)425-568

Gadong 2
Address: Lot 1999, Bangunan Halimatul Sa'Adiah, Jalan Gadong Be 3919, Negara Brunei Darussalam
Phone#: +67(2)445-097
Fax#: +67(2)445-098

Address: Lot 22083, Block C, Setia Kenangan Building, Kuilap Gadong Be1518, Negara Brunei Darussalm
Phone#: +67(2)223-255
Fax#: +67(2)231-648
Email: |
Skype Id: huahokuilap

Address: Unit 1-10, Spg.72, Lot 5454 & 5455, Kg Delima Satu Bb4713, Negara Brunei Darussalm
Phone#: +67(2)330-189
Fax#: +67(2)330-187

Address: Lot 13096, Block A, Bgn Petani Mall, Kg Petani, Mukin Pekan Tutong Ta 1341, Negara Brunei Darussalam
Phone#: +67(4)220-355
Fax#: +67(4)220-344


2. Jaya Hypermart
Location: Gadong District | Kuala Belait
Phone#: +67(3)244-9822

3. First Emporium and Supermarket
Location: Kompleks Mohammad Yussof, Jalan Tutong

4. Kota Mutiara Department Store
Location: Bangunan Darussalam, Bandar Seri Begawan
Phone#: +67(3)222-8465

5. Milimewah Department Store
Location: Bangunan Darussalam, Bandar Seri Begawan | Seria | Kuala Bealit | Muara | Lambak
Phone: +67(3)721-2782 

6. Soon Lee Megamart
Location: Jalan Tutong, Bandar Seri Begawan | Kuala Belait | Tungku Link
Phone: +67(3)333-1426 

7. Tiong Hin Supermart
Location: Jerudong | Mentiri 

8. Wisma Jaya Complex
Location: Jalan Permancha, Bandar Seri Begawan 

9. Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Complex
Location: Address: Jalan Kumbang Pasang, Bandar Seri Begawan BA1511, Brunei
Phone#: +67(3)223-4085

10. Liang Toon Department Store
Location: 1-5 Spg 122 Jln Bengkurong, Brunei and Muara, Brunei
Phone: +67(3)265-2711

11. Sim Kim Huat
Location: Gadong | Jerudong | Tutong

12. Pertama Store
Location: Jerudong | Lambak Kanan | Jalan Muara

13. Seri Aman Complex
Location: Tutong

14. Abdul Wahab Complex
Location: Tutong

15. Cempaka Complex
Location: Tutong

16. Seria Plaza
Location: Jalan Sultan Omar Ali, Seria

17. The Mall
Location: Gadong District

18. Utama Grand Superstore
Location: 18-25 Gr Fl The Mall, Brunei and Muara, Brunei
Phone: +67(3)242-8222

19. SupaSave
Location: Mabohal | Gadong | Seria | Lambak

Business Hours: Most shopping centres are open from 10am to 9:30pm daily. Shortened office hours operate during the fasting month.

There are also a number of shops at the International Airport, where you can purchase Duty Free items such as CD's, sports equipment, and chocolates.

For cultural buys and local produce, you can go to their Tamus (local markets) like Tamu Kianggeh near Jubilee Hotel in Bandar Seri Begawan.
Tamu Kianggeh

Please note that this is not a complete list but at least this will give you have an idea when you visit Brunei.

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