How to Get to Tamu Selera?

It only takes about 10 minutes to get to Tamu Selera from Jubilee Hotel, with a few stops to take pictures. However, if you don't want to walk, you can hire a taxi via your hotel to take you there. It's nice to walk in Brunei since almost all of them have a car, it felt like we own the road (LOL). If you plan on walking up there, here's how:
Photo was taken from the side of Tamu Kianggeh
  • Walk from Jubilee Hotel to the main road, the same road going to Tamu Kianggeh, but instead of turning left, turn right facing the Lapau & Dewan Majilis (Royal Ceremonial Hall). You can either cross to the other side or do it when you're near your destination.
Pusat Belia Youth Centre & Hostel
Radisson Hotel
    • Walk straight up ahead, pass by the Pusat Belia Youth Centre & Hostel until you see Radisson Hotel from afar.
    • Cross the road with stop lights near Radisson Hotel and keep walking straight up ahead.
    • On the next block after the long brick-wall, turn left. Keep on walking until you reach the shady park with colorful tarps and parasols.
    Just follow your way back when you are ready to go back to the hotel. And if you have enough time, drop by at the Royal Regalia or Lapau & Dewan Majilis along the way.


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