Twelve Divine Generals at Ngong Ping 360

Lined up along the path to the Po Lin Monastery & the Big Buddha in Ngong Ping are the statues of the Twelve Divine Generals or the Twelve Heavenly Generals. They are the protective deities of the Buddha of Healing or the Medicine Buddha, Yakishi Nyurai. They originated in India, but in other countries they are believed to be the attendants of an Armor-clad God or Warrior that protects the righteous.
In Chinese, these twelve Generals represent the animals in their Zodiac. They are also considered as the common guards of the gates in Buddhist Temple. Maybe that's why they are lined up as soon as you enter the  arch to the Po Lin Monastery and Big Buddha.

Below are the names and statues of the Twelve Generals along with what they represent, their weapon and the animals they represent in the Chinese 12 Zodiac (Hint: look at heads)

The General Mihira (Also Mikira in Japanese and Míqǐluò in Pinyin)
He represents the 5pm - 7pm of the day, Rooster of the Chinese Zodiac and is armed with a vajra (a weapon which is used as a ritual object to symbolize both the properties of a diamond (indestructibility) and a thunderbolt (irresistible force).

The General Andira (Also Anchira in Japanese and Āndǐluò in Pinyin)
He represents 3pm - 5pm of the day, Monkey of the Chinese 12 Zodiac, and is armed with a mallet.

The General Anila (Also Anira in Japanese and Ènǐluò in Pinyin)
He represents 1pm - 3pm of the day, Sheep of the Chinese 12 Zodiac, and is armed with an arrow.

The General Vajra (Also Basara in Japanese and Fázhéluò in Pinyin)
He represents 7pm - 9pm of the day, Dog of the Chines 12 Zodiac, and is armed with a sword.

The General Sandira (Also Sanchira in Japanese and  Shāndìluò in Pinyin)
He represents 11am - 1pm of the day, Horse of the Chinese 12 Zodiac, and is armed with a shell.

The General Kumbhira (Also Kubira in Japanese and Guānpíluò in Pinyin)
He represents 9pm - 11pm of the day, Boar of the Chinese 12 Zodiac, and is armed with a boardsword. 

The General Vikarala (Also Bikara in Japanese and Píjiéluò in Pinyin)
He represents 11pm - 1am of the day, Rat of the Chinese 12 Zodiac, and is armed with a vajra.

The General Indra (Also Indara in Japanese and Yīndàluò in Pinyin)
He represents 9am - 11am of the day, Snake of the Chinese Zodiac, and is armed with a staff. 

The General Catura (Also Shōtora in Japanese and Zhāodùluò in Pinyin) 
He represents 1am - 3am of the day, Ox of the Chines 12 Zodiac, and is armed with a sword.

The General Pajra (Also Haira in Japanese and Bōyìluò in Pinyin)
He represents 7am - 9am of the day, Dragon of the Chines 12 Zodiac, and is armed with a bow together with an sword. 

The General Mahoraga (Also Makura in Japanese and Mòhǔluò in Pinyin)
He represents 5am - 7am of the day, Rabbit of the Chines 12 Zodiac, and is armed with an axe. 

These twelve generals are also believed to offer protections for 12 hours. They are also believed to represent the 12 months and 12 cosmic directions. Whatever they represent or what they can offer, it's always amazing to know about other people's beliefs.


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