Sagada Weaving House

When in Sagada, make sure you drop by at the Sagada Weaving House, to buy their products. Sagada is known for it's weaving industry and it's a lot cheaper there than in Manila. I didn't buy though when I was there because it's still expensive for me. That's me trying not to spend!
I wanted to take pictures inside the store, but it's now allowed so I just content myself in looking and asking about the prices. They will, however, show you where they do the magic and even let you try weaving, which is by the way very difficult. Now I understand why weaved products are expensive!
A visit to this place is a must! You will be able to witness the centuries old way of hand weaving. And buy their products such as the "Tapis", the natives traditional skirts, the "Bakget", women's belt with tail, blankets and wanes.


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