Ocean Adventure, Subic

Visiting Ocean Adventure is just a last moment decision we made when we're supposed trek to Mt. Pinatubo. It was raining when we arrived at the pit stop going to Mt. Pinatubo and was told that we can't climb.
We traveled for (hours) and since we're there already and we actually planned on staying the night in Subic, my office mates decided on coming with us and visit Ocean Adventure instead, that's to compensate for waking up early and traveling for hours.
We just had breakfast at one of the house in the area, we asked one of the local houses if we can use their kitchen and utensil for breakfast and they are very kind to let us. We bought Tuyo (Sun-Dried Fish or what my boyfriend always say "Stinky Fish"), sardines and onions at the nearest sari-sari store and started cooking.
In exchange of the use of their kitchen and utensil, well at least as I thought so..(:P), my friend started sweeping the ground for dried leaves. After we ate, we headed out to Ocean Adventure from Tarlac. 
How glad we were for getting the package from a travel agency, although, since this is not what we signed for, we paid extra for the driver to bring us to Ocean Adventure. We paid him for Php3,000.00 just to bring us to the park. And from there, we'll commute back to Manila.
It took us more than 2 hours to arrive in Ocean Adventure. Kind of tiring but since we were able to sleep in the car on the way there, we got back our energy. Our arrival is just perfect because it opens at 9:00. We just bought the ticket, and started our adventure, excited like kids!
We don't have a guide, or don't need one, so we just went on our own way. Our first stop was the Sea Lion Point. We're really lucky because the show is just going to start, the Sea Lion Marine Patrol Show.
You only have to pay for the entrance fee, which is Php550.00 per person (that's in 2011) and you can watch all the shows you can. If you want to have a picture with the animals, then you will have to pay extra.
It's my first time to watch an animal show and it's really amazing, but at the same time sad because these animal should be free. However, since they explain how they save these animals, maybe it's better for them to be here.
The show lasted for about 30 minutes including the picture taking with the Sea Lion. My friends wanted to have their pictures taken with the Sea Lion and but they lack one person to complete the package so I had to. It's Php250.00 per person for 2 photos taken. One is a photo alone with the animal and the group picture.
It's a Sea Lion and it eats fish but I didn't expect how it smells when it's my time for the photo. It stinks of fish but I still tried to smile for the photo. And when it's a group picture, I stayed far behind!
After a few pictures in the theater, we head to the El Capitan Theater for the Dolphin Show. Compare to the Sea Lion show, this show has a lot of people, excited to see the dolphins. 
Only the seats far behind are available when we get there so we don't have a perfect view of the dolphins. This show is more enjoyable for me than the other show. Maybe because they are doing it in the ocean and not in some man-made Aquarium. 
I wished we are near and that I have a good camera to capture the moments. Specially when the Dolphins started playing with the instructors. I wanted to take a picture with the Dolphins, but it's very expensive. I can't pay for Php500.00 just for 2 pictures. I have their image in my mind, anyway.
Our next stop before having lunch is the Ocean Discovery Aquarium.  The aquarium contains a diverse array of habitats including fresh water streams, mangrove forests, coral reefs and deep dark caves. 
Displays of plants and sea creatures that inhabit the waters of Subic Bay and the South China Sea. This is the place where you can enjoy the views and discover the actions without getting wet. And for us this is the place where had so much fun like kids.
Now, it's lunch and since I'm in an Ocean Adventure Park with lots of sea creatures, I was excited to know what they have in their restaurant. And I'm expecting if they have fish in their menu, it will be fresh. Unfortunately, it's not.
After eating, we headed to the Eco-Theater for another show. It's about the way of living of the natives along with some wild animal shows. It's interesting but since it's mid afternoon, and I just had lunch, I felt so sleepy. It's a good thing I was sitting at the back so I can walk and stand up when I feel like drowsing.
I can't say about my friends, however, because they look interested and awed with what they see. I just wished for it to be over, though. This is our last activity for the day. 
We just re-freshen up at the shower room provided by the park and head to the souvenir shop. I wasn't able to buy because most their items are expensive, well at maybe only for me. 
The day that was supposed to be wasted was turned into an eventful one. And even though it's short, I enjoyed it. One of these days, I will go back to Ocean Adventure and watch the other shows, or visit the other Aquariums they have. Or even stay for a night at Camayan Beach Resort & Hotel, to fully enjoy it.
Helpful Tip: Make sure to wear comfortable clothing when you go there because it's really hot. Bring a lot of water. 

Ocean Adventure Subic Bay, Philippines
Park Hours: 9:00am to 6:00pm Daily (Rain or Shine)
Entrance Fee: 
Adult: Php650.00
Senior Citizen - Php520.00
Children (12 year and below) - Php520.00
Children (under 30 inches) - Free
Entrance Fee is inclusive of Feature Shows & Aquarium Exhibits. For animal encounter rates, promos and special offer, please visit their website.
How to Get There?
Please click here on how to get to Ocean Adventure, Subic, Philippines. Make sure to get a map of the park before you start your adventure so you won't miss anything!

While you're there, you might want to check out the rest of the attractions near the Park, such as the Zoobic Zafari, Subic Bay and Tree Top Adventure Park.


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