Where to Stay in Brunei?

Hotels in Brunei vary from cheap ones to a very expensive ones. But whatever your preference, you might want to check these hotels.

Jubilee Hotel
I will give Jubilee Hotel a five star for letting us checked-in even before the check-in time. Aside from that, they upgraded our room from Standard Suite to Family Room, with a kitchen, a big living room and 2 bedrooms, though we only used 1 room since we are only 3 and all girls...read more>>
Kampung Sungai Matan Homestay
Is a bed & breakfast located at the Water Village or Kampong Ayer. It's a just a chance that we found this home stay when we walked from the gallery to explore the village...read more>>

Radisson Hotel
Is conveniently located alog the road to BSB central. It's also near almost to all attractions, such as the Royal Regalia, Brunei History Centre, Tasek Lama Recreational Park and the local restaurants...read more>>

The Empire Hotel & Country Club
This hotel is rated 6-star and one of the finest beach resorts in Asia Pacific. Since its opening on October 16, 2000, it has become synonymous with Brunei's majestic and cultural heritage...read more>>

For list of hotels in Brunei, please click here. 

For list of other accommodations, such as rain forests, guesthouses, and apartments, please click here.

For accommodations outside Bandar Seri Begawan, click here. 


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