The Lapau (Royal Ceremonial Hall) & Dewan Majlis

The Royal Ceremonial hall or locally known as Lapau is where royal traditional ceremonies take place. Significant events such as the Istiadat Berusuruh Diraja or Royal marriage proposal ceremony takes place in this beautiful structure.
This is also where the crowning of the present Sultan of Brunei, Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah was held, under an An exquisite golden dome highlights the Lapau's interior.
Adjoining the Lapau is the old Dewan Majlis or Parliament House. Official permission is required to enter this building. When we visited Brunei, I just contented myself in taking pictures of the structure from the outside and admire it from afar.
Dewan Majlis
It’s located at Jalan Sungai Kianggeh, Bandar Seri Begawan, along the way going to Royal Regalia and the Brunei History Centre from Central. Across the road is the Pusat Belia Youth Center.



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