Brunei History Centre

Established in 1982, this centre aims to conduct research into the 600 year old history and culture of the country with special focus on the history of the Brunei sultans.

This museum has a wealth of information on these subjects including replicas and brass rubbings of tombs. One of the main objectives of the History Centre is to make this department as a Resource Institution and a Centre for research, documentation, study and exhibition on the Brunei Darussalam’s history.

As one of the oldest nations in Asia, all citizens of Brunei should be well informed of the history if their country, which should be reinforced in all countries. That will make the people proud of their roots and make them love their countries more.

We were not able to explore this museum because it’s closed that time. If you are a history buff and have a lot of extra time in Brunei, make sure to visit this centre.

The Centre is located next to Royal Regalia and can be reached from the Central via a bus or if you want to explore other buildings along the way, you can walk for about 15 minutes and drop by the centre before going to Royal Regalia.

Address: Jalan James Peace, Bandar Seri Begawan


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