Where to Stay in Puerto Princesa?

I’ve been to Puerto Princesa once and we only stayed in one hotel. However, if you want to check the hotels around, please check this post. 

Tropical Sun Inn 
Since what we got during our trip to Palawan is a package we have to stay here.  It's a very homey inn and they are not very strict.  On our last day, it's the Island tour and we need a place to wash the salt water and sand. We booked one room for 6 of us so we can use the bathroom.  But the hotel let us use their outside bathrooms too! 

Address: 152 Manalo Street, Puerto Princesa, Palawan
Phone: +63484336493
Fax: +63484338288

Please click here for the list of hotels/Inns in Puerto Princesa.


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