Vigan Ukoy

Ukoy, sometimes called Okoy is a flavorful Filipino appetizer with a golden color and crisp.  It's made of unpeeled shrimps, but sometimes, others used peeled shrimps. It's best to serve after cooking to enjoy the crispiness. 

Vigan Ukoy, unlike the regular Ukoy is made of galapong (rice sticky dough), shrimps, onions, spring onions and other spices to tasted. It's deep fried to have that crispiness.

What I like about Vigan Ukoy, is that it doesn't lose it's crispiness even though it's been hours since we bought it. The only thing I don't like is it's too oily, normal for deep fried food. When you go to Vigan, try this along with the Empanada.


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