What to See in Sagada?

Sagada, even though small, is blessed with natural resources and historical sites. Make sure not to miss these places when you visit the province.

Bomod-Ok Falls
Bomod-Ok Falls is one of the popular tourist attractions in Sagada. This falls is located in Banga-an, 45 minutes to an hour walk from the town proper. Read more>>

Lumiang (Burial) Cave
Lumiang Cave or Burial Cave is one of the largest caves in Sagada. True to its name, it was really a burial cave. Coffins and remains can be seen at the entrance and inside the cave. Read more>>

Sumaguing Cave
Sumaguing Cave is the largest chamber among other caves in Sagada. It houses lot of rock formations that appeal to people to explore even with less experience or knowledge. Just knowing what awaits deep within the cave, makes you excited. Read more>>

Kiltepan Peak
Kiltepan Peak is very popular for photo enthusiasts and nature lover. The peak gives you the view of the Rice Terraces and the perfect sunrise. Sagada being in the highest part of the Philippines has the perfect sunrise and sunset. Read More>>
Echo Valley & Hanging Coffins
Hanging Coffins can bee seen in the cliffs surrounding the town of Sagada. One needs to be married and have grandchildren to be buried in this manner.  Read more>>

Orange Farm
Picking oranges at the Orange Farm is very enjoyable. You can pick all the orange you want, and pay for it at a very affordable price. Knowing how expensive the Sagada oranges in Manila, you'll wish you could carry more than you can. Read more>>

Sagada Weaving House 
Sagada is known for it's weaving industry and if you buy it there, it's a lot cheaper. The Weaving House is actually part of any tour packages and even solo backpackers visit this place. Read More>>

Other Points of Interest:
Bokong Falls
Rice terraces
Kiltepan Tower
Underground River
Lake Danum
Pongas Falls
Mount Ampacao
Marlboro Mountain


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