Afga Wave Rock Formation

Our first stop during our day tour in Kalibo is the AFGA Wave Rock Formation. I've checked the pictures posted in the website to see if it's worth seeing and I thought, why not, we're going to be there anyway.

We told the tricycle driver about it and he's not actually familiar with it, but he said he knows the AFGA Light House.  He asked us if we want to see it before the rock formation and who are we to decline! We just had few pictures and walk back to the tricycle.
While we were walking, we've asked the local where the rock formation is and he said it's along the shore just below the lighthouse. We did not go directly to the formation because our attention was caught by the flowers along the road. It's a lot and they are really beautiful.
Satisfied with the pictures with flowers, we headed to the rock formation.  AFGA Rock Formation is popular for it's wave-like formation. It's really amazing and for those rock lovers, this is perfect.
This rock formation is popular for it's wave-like formation. Aside from the wave rock formation, there are other interesting rocks you can check while you're there.  
AFGA the neighboring barangay of Jawili in Tangalan, Kalibo, Aklan. It's 10 to 15 minutes away from Jawili falls. After just a short visit I fell in love with this place. It's so peaceful and quiet.
It's a different issue though at the rock formation site. It's kind of hot and humid even though it's only 8:00 in the morning. When you plan on visiting the formation, make sure to do it in the morning, to avoid the searing heat of the sun.
Better to come here before going to other attractions, to fully enjoy the formation without worrying about the heat.

Location: Afga Point, Tangalan, Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines


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