
Snorkeling is one of the first activities in Boracay that has became very popular in the early years. I first experience it on my very first trip to Boracay in 2010. Actually, a lot of my firsts happened on that trip. I had my very first Henna Tattoo, my first Snorkeling, and most of all my first time to fly!
I didn't enjoy my first snorkeling because I was kind of scared with the shadow of the plants underwater so I just take a short peek and stopped. Then I just enjoyed swimming with the life vest on. But this time, I was able to enjoy it. Not sure if it's because the location is different and there are a lot of fishes underwater.
Snorkeling is done before Island Hopping, since it's part of the package. It usually done near the Crocodile Island. Tambisaan port can also be seen from afar.

It was raining and the waves are bit strong at the time but it didn't stop us from snorkeling. If you're going to snorkel and want to have souvenirs, then better bring an underwater camera. Seeing the fishes and what's it's like underwater is amazing, but it's more amazing when there are photos you can check when you want to look back.
If you are afraid to dive and wants some good photos, you can always ask the boatman to take some for you. I wish I can do it, but I'm scared to dive. In order for the fishes to come near you must have some fish food or soft bread. So make sure to buy bread before heading to snorkeling.
Don't be like us, we forgot to buy bread, good thing the boatmen are kind enough to give us. It's maybe part of their protocol since it's their usual job. It's not much though, but we're still thankful. And when we ran out of it, we used the bread and the patty of the burger we brought.
While we were having a break, my friend told me that this is nothing compare to the underwater in Coron, Palawan, but I find it more amazing than the the one in Honda Bay, Palawan. The fishes are more beautiful, not to mention there's a lot.
I can't wait to see what the underwater of Coron looks like, but for the meantime, I had enjoyed snorkeling underwater of Boracay Island. The package is only 3 hours long so we only stayed for less than an hour then headed for an island hopping.
If you got thirsty while snorkeling or crave of a buko juice, don't fret because there's a vendor roaming around with a lot of buko (young coconut). The price is more than half the price off shore, but you have no choice. Besides, it must be hard on him under the hot sun all day and with waves. I didn't see one when we were there in 2014 though. Not sure if it's no longer allowed or I just haven't seen them.
If you want to play with the fishes and see how it looks like underwater, you must try this activity. We got the package for Php1,500.00 for 3 persons for a maximum of 3 hours. Snorkeling gears are provided by the boatmen. Snorkeling is one of my favorite activities in Boracay.


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