
--> Our itinerary for this trip includes not only Boracay but also the neighboring town and the capital of Aklan, and that's Kalibo. After a short swim and a sumptuous lunch in Boracay Island we left for Kalibo. Travel time from Caticlan to Kalibo takes 2 and half hours including the wait at the port before the van leaves.

Kalibo Church
We're only staying for a night so we decided on booking at Kalibo Hotel, since it's near the airport. The van from Caticlan passed by the hotel so we just ask the driver to drop us there. 

Man Made-Forest
Kalibo is the capital of Aklan and its airport is the main transportation hub of all resorts in Boracay. It's very well known for the Ati-Atihan Festival and the Mangrove Eco-forest.
Jojo's Cottage
Kalibo is originally spelled as Calibo and derived from the Aklanon word "sangka libo", which means "one thousand", the number of the native who attended the first Catholic Mass in the province.
Like the neighboring town, Caticlan, Kalibo also offers various tourist spots such as falls, beaches and man made-forest.  Their beaches are not as popular as Boracay's but still worth visiting. 
Pastrana Park near Museo de Akean, just opposite of the Kalibo Church
Kalibo like most of the provinces in the Philippines is slow-paced. People are not always in a rush, like other cities. And when you ever attend a mass, expect people rushing inside after the mass even though other people still trying to get out.
Museo de Akean
Kalibo is one of the cleanest provinces I've been to in the Philippines. All in all, my visit in Kalibo is an enjoyable and exciting one. I can't wait to experience the Kalibo festival. Soon...

What to See in Kalibo?

Where to Eat in Kalibo?

Where to Stay in Kalibo?


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