Magellan's Cross

Is a Christian cross planted as ordered by the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan when he first set foot in Cebu, Philippines. It's now housed in a chapel beside the Basilica Menor del Santo Nino church.
It has become one of the popular tourist spots in Cebu.  When we were there a lot of Koreans were there checking on the said cross.  The original cross is said to be encased in the wooden cross that can be seen in the chapel. This is to protect the cross from people who cut a small part and take home as souvenir.
Other people believed that the cross encased in the wooden cross is not the original cross.  The it was destroyed right after Magellan's death and that's the replica planted by the Spaniards after they successfully colonized the Philippines.
You have to be very patient when you visit the chapel as there are a lot of people who go there. You have to wait for your turn to take pictures.  I actually had a hard time taking a picture of the whole cross because of the people around. 

The chapel is just a few minutes from the Sto. Nino church. To go there, you can just take a jeepney that passes by the church and walk from there to the chapel that houses the cross.


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