Pinoy Longganisa

We Filipinos love to shop and to eat! And what's the most popular breakfast food we all loved together with fried rice, fried egg and coffee? It's longganisa or others called langgonisa!

Calle Crisologo (Mena Crisologo Street)

Calle Crosologo, also known as Mena Crisologo Street  in Vigan City is the most popular tourist attraction in the province of Ilocos Sur.  Named after Mena Pecson Crisologo, one of the most respected sons of Ilocos Sur.  He wrote Mining Wenno Ayat Ti Karawa, an Ilocano translation of Don Quixote entitled Don Calixtofaro de la Kota Caballero de la Luna; and a zarzuela entitled Codigo Municipal.  Many compare this to Jose Rizal's Noli Me Tangere.

List of Hotels in Ilocos Sur

Below is the list of hotels, inns, resorts & lodgings in Ilocos Sur. If you know one that is not included in my list, kindly let me know and I will gladly add it. 

Cabugao Beach Resort
Address: Bgy. Pug-os, Cabugao, Ilocos Sur
Mobile#: +639177992677/+639178334148

List of Hotels in Vigan City, Ilocos Sur

Below is the list of hotels, inns, resorts & lodgings in Vigan City, Ilocos Sur. If you know one that is not included in my list, kindly let me know and I will gladly add it. 

Balai Mestizo Travelodge
Address: Liberation Blvd, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur
Mobile#: +63(917)829-0878
Email Address:

Grandpa's Inn & Restaurant

There are lots of hotels in Vigan, but since we were referred by a friend, we booked a night at the Granpa's Inn.  It's an old house, or more like a mansion, that was converted into a hotel.  
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