Tubigon Church (San Isidro Labrador Parish Church)

Located in the heart of Tubigon is standing this old church, proudly and beautifully.  It caught my attention when we walk around the town's plaza to find food. The church was constructed in 1886 and its bell tower from 1928 to 1934.
Photo taken in 2013 - Before the earthquake
On our way back to Cebu after 2 days of exploring Bohol, we went back to Tubigon to take a ferry.  We don't want longer travel in the ferry so we endured the almost 2 hours trip land from Tagbilaran to Tubigon. When we arrived at the ticket booth, we were told that the next rip is not until after 2 hours.
Photo taken in 2016 - After the earthquake
We have no choice so we decided on waiting at the waiting shed in front of the park just before the church.  We take turn to eat  someone will be there to watch for our bags. We walk around the plaza to find a store and that's when I saw this church and took a couple of pictures.
Photo taken in 2016 - After the earthquake
I was really amazed at the arch that served as a gate going to the church. Another old church that was totally damaged by the October 2013 earthquake. To help rebuild Bohol's Churches, please visit www.rebuildboholchurches.org.

I was able to see the church when I went back to Bohol last year. The original church was totally damaged so they built a new one at the lower portion of the land as you can see in the picture.


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