Taoist Temple

Last Updated: December 12, 2017
Is a temple located in Beverly Hills Subdivision built by a Chinese Community in Cebu. Unlike other Temple, this one is also open for non-worshipers, making it one of the tourist destinations in Cebu.
Temple's entrance - a replica of the Great Wall of China
The entrance of the temple is a replica of the Great Wall of China. When you see the entrance, you will think it's just a simple temple, but you'll be surprised when you get to see it. This is my first time seeing a temple and I'm really amazed by the design.
No dress code, but you have to be very careful taking pictures since this is a very sacred place. We never tried going inside since we are not worshipers.  But I have read that there are two rituals for devotees who visit the temple.
The first ritual is the washing of hands, going inside the chapel barefooted and make a wish. Making a wish is not that simple, though. They have to drop two blocks of wood and if both woods are face up, they can make a wish. However, if only one wood is face up, the devotee will not be able to make a wish. He needs to come back some other time to try his luck again.
The second ritual which is done every Wednesdays and Sundays, is the climbing of it's 81 steps that represents the 81 chapters of Taoism scriptures. At the last step, the devotee will light joss sticks and have their fortune read by the monks.
The temple includes a chapel, library, souvenir shop, and a wishing well. Has three separate winding routes that visitors can be accessed. It's spacious balcony offers a scenic view of the downtown.
When I first visited with my friends, we didn't explore much because of the time restriction. However, when I went back with my family, we're able to go to the 2nd level and explore more. 
It's the perfect spot compare to the first level because you're higher and can see the city view perfectly. There are other spots there also that are worth checking. Although, there are some that are closed for non-worshipers.
If you are ready to leave, you have two options.  You can either go back to the main entrance or walk down the pathways and stairways to the other exit. We prefer the latter and it's fun.

It's kind of far from the town proper but it's worth coming here.  You will be able to see beautiful temple, not to mention seeing the beautiful houses along the way. Our group is big enough to rent a car so it's not a problem for us. But I asked our driver about going there and he said there's a Habal-Habal (Motorcycle) that will bring you to the entrance of the village. From there, you have to walk up to the temple.
Please just keep in mind that this is a sacred place for prayers and meditation, so you must observe silence.


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