Tagbilaran Church (Cathedral Parish of St. Joseph the Worker)

This church is located at the heart of Tagbilaran City and one of the first 6 parishes founded by the Jesuit missionaries who came in Bohol in 1595.
The old church was built by the Jesuits through forced labor of the natives and was already renovated, except for the bell tower.
We have no plan on going there, but while waiting for the guards at the Bohol Museum we walked around and saw this church.
Chocolate Hills miniature can also be found at the park, though I think it's not yet finished. A lot of people are at the park when we visited so I guess this is the favorite place to hang out.
Situated just before the park is the Bohol Provincial Capitol building facing the church.  Sometimes, it's really fun when you just follow your feet and your instinct.  If you don't, you'll never know what you will be missing.
Near the church is the city's park with a of doves flocking around.  A lot of people come here just to feed them. There are street vendors that sell peanuts & breads that can be feed to the doves.

Photos were taken in 2013, before the earthquake. I was not able to drop by this church when I went back there last July 2017 because of time restriction.


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