Moriones Festival

Marinduque is well known for the Moriones Festival, celebrated every Semana Santa.  This festival is the way of remembering how Jesus Christ died and resurrected.
Displays during the Moriones Festival
During this festival, you'll see people walking around the town wearing their own version of a gladiator’s armor. The festival always ends on Easter Sunday, in which the beheading of Longinus is being portrayed.
Me copying longinus when his head was cut off
My niece trying the mask
When I was a little kid, I really thought the "Roman Soldiers" have beheaded the man portraying Longinus.  I was a little disappointed when I've found out that they only removed the mask as an act of the beheading.  I guess I have a little Roman blood in me, a gladiator's blood wanting to see some violence! But it's definitely an amazing experience.
You’ll see different kinds of roman masks, made from different kind of materials.  You’ll be amazed when you find out what kind of materials they used and how they created them.  And their effort is not wasted, as there’s a costume competition in every town.  Whoever created the most unique morion mask will get a prize.
Me & my niece with the borrowed mask
Sad to say I haven't seen the actual and official festival even though I'm from Marinduque.  The event always ends on a Sunday and that's the best part, though that also the day I need to go back to Manila.  But next year, I'll make sure to witness this event.

I will update this soon...


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