Hinagdanan Cave

Last Updated: September 21, 2017
Bohol is not only known for amazing Chocolate Hills, beautiful islands and exotic seashells, they are also known for its caves.  A total of 1,400 caves have been counted in the province and there are still some that are not discovered yet. You don't need to go far to see one, though, because Hinagdanan Cave is very accessible from Panglao town proper
One cave that can be accessed and explored easily is the Hinagdanan Cave located at Panglao Island. Getting into the cave is through a small hole that only fit one people at a time.  There's a concrete stairs going down the cave with steel railings for support and safety.
The cave is made of limestone and has about 100 meters of beautiful rock formations. Unlike any other caves I've been too, this one is naturally lighted. It’s lit by the sunlight which filters through the holes in the ceiling. A deep lagoon can also be found in the cave.
The lagoon has become a popular swimming spot, but it's not advisable, because of the karts pollutant present in the water. But this does not stop people from swimming in the lagoon; we've seen some locals swimming when we were there.
Since the ceiling of the cave is not too high from the floor, the stalactites and stalagmites are sticking out as though trying to meet each other. I hope the local government gives strict policy for people not to touch these limestone.  Touching them can alter the natural color and growth of the stones.
The cave's tour guide said the discovery of the cave is accidental.  It was discovered when the owner of the area is cleaning the land and found a hole. He throws a stone into the hole and when heard a splash, he then built a ladder to get into the cave.
Thus the name "Hinagdanan" which means laddered, the only way to get into the cave's interior.  This hole, however, is not the same hole they used now to enter the cave.

Entrance Fees:
General Admission: Php25.00/head
Student with ID or Certification: Php15.00/head
Children from 6 to 10 years old: Php10.00/head (5 years below is Free)

Parking Fees:
Motorcycles : Php5.00
4-Wheel Vehicles: Php15.00
When you have extra time, why not buy pasalubong and souvenirs at the stores around the area.


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