Dauis Church (Church of Our Lady of the Assumption)

Located not far from the bridge that connects Panglao and Bohol is this another old and beautiful church. This is the only church I've seen with a well at the foot of the altar. The church was constructed in 1863 and completed in the early 1920's.

Legend says, this well appeared when the people, who was hiding inside the church from the pirates, ran out of water. This well is still the main source of water for the people living near the church.
The water is said to have a healing power and when you visit the church, you can have as much as you want for free.  If you are kind enough, you can also donate for any amount you want.
This church is the 2nd church I saw with a Gothic design, next to Immaculate Concepcion Church in Puerto Princesa. This is indeed a very beautiful church inside and outside.  What's make this church unique from other churches I've seen are the design on the ceiling.
Behind the church is the old bell tower and a huge lawn facing the sea.  This place is really fresh to the eyes and cool too.  We stayed here for a while to enjoy the scenery and the cool air.
There's a small park going to the sea but we weren't able to check it.  Beside the church is the building which houses the Dauis Pilgrim Heritage Center, Handumanan Souvenir Shop, Cafe Lewis and Terazza de Mariveles.

This church is also damaged by the October 2013 earthquake. Hopefully it will be restored soon.

I was not able to visit this church when I went back there Last July 2016, but I was told that was by the tour guide that it's already renovated.


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