Boac Cathedral (Immaculate Concepcion Cathedral)

Located in Brgy. Mataas na Bayan, Boac it is a historical church where the Katipunan Flag is said to have been baptized.  The church was constructed in 1580 and completed in 1792.

It served as a refuge for people who fled in panic during the siege of Muslims & Spanish.  The Muslims was threatened by action of ruling Spanish government so they launch an attack on Christian towns.
During the attack, people began to pray at the throne of the Virgin Mary, asking for her help.  Legend says that a strong storm came and at the very height of the storm an image of a beautiful lady with outstretched arms appeared standing on the top of the wall. The Moros were terrified and fled in confusion.
Left: Door of the church with intricate design / Right: Bell displayed outside the church
After that incident, the image of Virgin Mary has been honored and given the title "Biglang Awa".  And to commemorate that miracle, a stone was built on the wall where the image appeared.  The longest bridge separating Boac into two towns is also called "Biglang Awa Bridge". 
Virgin Mary's statue in Balanacan
A larger-than-life size statue of the Virgin Mary was built in the shore of Balanacan, to welcome the visitors. This can be seen from the approaching RoRo.


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