Bubbles Crispy Pata & Restaurant

One of the reasons I want to come back to Lucena is this restaurant.  I want to try more of their food!
Located in front of the capitol, this restaurant caught my attention.  It's an old house converted into a restaurant in 2001. 
As the name signifies, their specialty is crispy pata.  It's the best crispy pata I've tasted, though your taste bud will say differently.  When you visit the city, specifically the capitol, you must eat here.
They have rooms for special events.  I appreciate this restaurant very much because I love old houses and antiques. The staffs are really very attentive and accommodating.
Address; 228 Quezon Ave., Brgy. 8, Lucena City, Quezon
Business Hours: 9:00 to 8:00pm
Phone#: (63)042-373-4455
Email Address: elmarreyes@yahoo.com
Accepts Cash Payment Only


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