Sta. Monica Ranch (well known as Mitra’s Farm)

It's a long travel coming here from Iwahig, so I just enjoy listening to the tour guide talking about how Palawan is the greenest and cleanest city in the county.  We were also told about the executive villages that only rich people live. 
Upon arriving at the ranch, we were greeted by fresh air and an extremely beautiful view of the city.  This used to be a private property of the former Senator Ramon Mitra, but they recently open it to public from 6am to 6pm.  There are lots of activities here like horseback riding and zip line.  We didn’t try any of these because we are content sitting there looking at the view and of course have jump shots. 
View of the city and Honda Bay from Mitra Ranch
For me this is the best place to come to after a long day of traveling.  Just sit there and enjoy the fresh air and the magnificent view.

Address: Sta. Monica Heights, Puerto Princesa, Palawan
How to get there: Ride a multi-cab with a sign board "Irawan/Iwahig. Tell the driver to drop you off at the jump off point of Mitra's Ranch.  Fare is less than Php20.00. Then take a tricycle going to Mitra's Ranch.
Entrance Fee: None


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