KaLui Restaurant

This is the most popular restaurant in Puerto Princesa and they said your trip is not complete without eating here.  Well, I can guarantee that!  As soon as your plane touch the ground, turn your Wi-Fi on and make a reservation in this restaurant. Walk-ins are entertained but they prefer reservations since a lot of people eat here, even locals.
We were not able to make reservation, but were able to get a table since we were early.  It's a long wait, but all worth it.  Besides the restaurants have a relaxing environment so you can just sit and relax or be creative and do some yoga.
From outside, this restaurant looks like just a regular native restaurant, but inside, it really is beautiful.  It has a very homey nostalgic ambiance. I love that even though it's a popular restaurant it's very quiet.
Entrance of KaLui with the boxes for shoes
Slippers or shoes are not allowed inside, so you have to enter the restaurant barefoot.  You don't have to worry because the floor is clean and well-polished. They also have lockers and native baskets for the shippers and shoes.
Japanese style dining arrangement
Fruit display at KaLui
While waiting for your food, you can view their galleries at and their souvenir shops. If you want to eat quality food, you really must eat here!
KaLui's Gallery (just beside this is their souvenir shop
KaLui has a wide range of menu, which still depends on the fresh catch of the day, but of course they also offer other dishes.  The must try, really must try, is their Pako Salad, it's the best!  I never like this vegetable, but I love their version!
Appetizer: Green Mango with Bagoong and Seaweed (Lato) Salad
Right: Kilawin
Shrimp in Garlic Butter
Can't remember the name of this dish but it's really good!
I actually love all of the food that we ordered, though I can't remember what most of them were called, all I know is they are all yummy! You have options to eat on a regular table and chairs, or Japanese Style.  We opted for the Japanese style since it's more comfortable and well, different.
Fruit Dessert
Addess: 369 Rizal Avenue, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan
Phone#: (048) 433 2580
Cellphone#:+63 928 753 9621
E-mail: online@kaluirestaurant.com
Website: http://www.kaluirestaurant.com/
Business Hours: Opens Daily, Save Sunday from 11:00am to 2:00pm (Lunch) and 6:00pm to 11:00pm (Dinner)
How to get there: Ride a tricycle from your lodging or from the downtown proper for Php8.00 per person or Php50.00 per tricycle.


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