Baker's Hill

On our way back, we dropped by at the Baker’s Hill. It’s known for great tasting delicacies like hopia, pastillas and sweetened tamarind.  If you really love sweets, you must allocate a budget when you come here.  It used to be a bakery only, but to attract more tourist, they open up a park. 
Baker's Hill is very popular with the beautiful peacock, though we haven't got a chance to see it.  It is also known for Beverly Hills, Looney Toons and Disneyland theme parks.  I wasn’t able to see the latter though because I was so engrossed choosing what to buy.
Here’s where you can have a picture with Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, with their statues that is! 
My friend imitating the pose of Marilyn Monroe
Address: Mitra Road, Sta. Monica, Puerto Princesa, Palawan
Phone: +63(48)433-3414
How to get there:  If you are already at Mitra's Ranch, just take a tircycle and ask the diver to drop you off at Baker's Hill. If coming from the town proper, take a multi-cab with a sign board "Irawan/Iwahig. Tell the driver to drop you off at the jump off point of Mitra's Ranch.  Fare is less than Php20.00.  Take a tricycle going to Baker's Hill.
Entrance Fee: None


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