Saramsam Ylocano Restaurant & KTV Bar

Not far from Laoag Cathedral is a well-known restaurant to both tourists and locals. It's just a simple looking restaurant from the outside but let it not deceive you.  You'll be surprised when you get inside and see the homey ambiance.
I love how they decorate the wall behind the counter with young bamboos.  They really look like roots crawling on the wall.

Saramsam is known for their unique flavors of Pizza.  Two of the famous pizzas they offer are the Dinuguan Pizza & Pinakbet Pizza. I never had a chance to try the Dinuguan Pizza because it's a Holy Week when we went there. But we did try the Pinaakbet Pizza.
You read that right, mixed vegetables with shrimp paste, tomato sauce and cheese. I have never imagined that bagoong (shrimp paste), mozzarella and vegetables will be a good match. You really have to try these pizzas when you get the chance.

It really sounds weird and unpleasant but it's really good, once you get used to the taste. If you are a vegetables lover and a very adventurous with food, you'll like it.  However, if vegetables are your worst enemies, then this is not the one for you.
The restaurant also offers other dishes aside from pizza.  What I really love is their own creation of pasta, the Saramsam pasta.  When I first tasted it, it feels so fresh and cool, I mean, it's so delicious and refreshing, for a pasta!

I thought only salad can give you that refreshing feeling, but I was wrong. Just writing about and remembering how it tasted make me drool.
Another must try is the Spicy Sardines Linguine. I love Spanish Style Sardines with newly cooked steamed rice but I never tried one in pasta before. It's not oily or anything, just perfect!  The sardines don't over power the taste of the pasta they perfectly go together.

I tried cooking a version of it, but it always ends up being oily or salty.  But I will get there; I will have my own version of Spicy Sardines Pasta. I'll make sure to try more of their unique food when I get the chance to go back.
Address: #10 Giron St., Brgy. 7-B, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, Philippines
Phone#: +63(077) 670-3219
Mobile#: (0917) 5507522/0920-9686695/0922-8826907
Business Hours: 11:00am to 10:00pm

Make sure to eat here when you visit Laoag, Ilocos Norte.  And if you need a place to stay, they also have bed & breakfast, Balay da Blas.


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