Paoay Sand Dunes: A National Geological Monument

Paoay Sand Dunes, also known as La Paz Sand Dunes, is a national geological monument expands from the boundary of Currimao and Paoay to La Paz in Laoag City.  The scenery going to this place is not that pretty but when you get to see the sand dunes, you’ll be amazed. Sand dunes are built by either wind or water flow.
I was amazed on how blue the sky is and how it reflects to the sea, giving it a mixed color of blue-green and dark blue.  It was a mistake going there after visiting other places in Paoay.  We arrived at about 12:30pm so the sun is really hot, making the sand almost like burning coal to my feet and the wind was so humid.
Activities such as 4x4 off-road challenge and sand boarding are the main tourist attractions.  You can build a sand castle if you have spare time.  We were not able to try these activities because it’s too hot to do so. It’s best to go there when the sun is not that hot so you can enjoy taking pictures, exploring and trying all activities this place can offer.
I’m not sure if there are boards that can be rented for sand boarding, but just to be sure you can enjoy sand boarding bring your own board.  4x4 off-road challenge, from what I've heard, it lasts for 30 minutes and cost Php2, 500.00 per vehicle.  Based on the scream I heard from the people who tried this challenge, I’m sure it’s enjoyable and exhilarating.


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