Cape Bojeador (Burgos) Lighthouse: The Most Accessible LIghthouse in Luzon

Cape Bojeador is located at Burgos, Ilocos Norte and the first land sighted by vessels approaching Luzon from the northern parts of China and East Asis. It’s well known for its most visited lighthouse, the Burgos Lighthouse.

This is not the tallest lighthouse in the country like what others believed.  But it is however, the most accessible lighthouse in Luzon.  Though other might say it's not very accessible, because if you don't have a car, you will have to walk a long way to get to the lighthouse.
And to to actually see the lighthouse you still have to climb the stairs.  It's all worth it though because you will be rewarded by a serene and beautiful view from above.
The lighthouse is too old and not well maintained.  No one is allowed to climb the lighthouse so you can only go as far as the base.  We stayed here for a bit to rest and to enjoy the cool air. Then head to our next destination, the Kapurpurawan Rock Formation.


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