Batac Church (Immaculate Conception Church)

This is the church of the former President Ferdinand Marcos’s birthplace. One of its priors wrote the "Relacion", retelling Diego Silang's rise against the Spaniards. The original church that was built in 1620 was damaged. It was reconstructed in 1690 and finished in 1692. The facade was just renovated recently.
Since we visited Ilocos on a holy week, it's kind of like a Visita Iglesia because we visited a lot of churches.  I was not able to take pictures of the other churches because we are always in a hurry. One of the churches we visited before going to the Marcos Museum is the church in Batac.  Not much to see but it's worth coming here if you want to be guided in your travel. Ilocos is almost the same with Bohol; they have a lot of old churches worth visiting.


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