Bangui Wind Farm: The Major Tourist Attraction Site in Bangui

Commonly knows as Bangui Windmills is also along the way going to Pagudpud. This is the first wind-generating farm in the Southeast Asia. This was built due to insufficient power provided by National Power Corporation.  It's very ideal for the Philippines to install wind turbines because it's near the monsoon belt.
What amazes me when I saw first saw these, was how giant these windmills are and how they stand out from the blue/green ocean and blue skies.  Specifically located facing the sea where the air blows towards the land. This is a perfect location because it's uninhabited. There are no tress or vegetation around the area so no one is being affected.
We did not stay here long so I wasn't able to actually check the shore and have pictures of the windmills from the shore. I will come here someday and take a picture of the wind turbines on a single row.


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