Calaguas Island: A Place of Complete Happiness

Mahabang Buhangin Beach is located in Calaguas Island in Camarines Norte. It is said to be beautiful as Boracay Island when it's not yet commercialized. I've been to Boracay three times already and I can say now that I still prefer to go back to Mahabang Buhangin instead of the White Beach in Boracay Island.

How to Get to Calaguas Island, Camarines Norte?

Getting to Calaguas is quite easy depending on your budget. If you have budget for an airfare then you have to option to fly to the nearest town. If you don't want to spend that much and at the same time meet friends, you can opt for a Tour Package. Or if you want to to have the real experience of traveling, then you can just commute.

Bagasbas Beach: One of the Hot Surfing Destinations in Bicol

Bagasbas Beach is the popular surfing destination in Camarines Norte and often visited by tourists. It's known for its long shoreline, strong waves, and gray sand, perfect destination for lovers of big waves. I was able to visit this beach because it was included in the Beach Bumming Package we bought from a travel agency, Travel Factor.

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