Simply Butterflies Conservation Center

As soon as you enter the center you will be greeted by friendly staffs and tour guides. After paying the entrance fee, we were guided by our tour guide to the Visitors Center where different species of butterflies were preserved and displays in an in-cased glass.

In the center, the tour guide will show you and explain about the life cycle of a butterfly.  It feels like I was back in high school but it's not bad.  I actually enjoy it and trying to stay focused, but I was kind of scared when I saw the caterpillars.  It's really amazing how something scary turns into a beautiful thing.
There are almost 300 species of butterflies in Bohol and at least half can be found in the center. The center is the first to start a butterfly livelihood breeding and conservation in Bohol.  Their aim is to protect and strengthen the natural environment of the butterflies, through plant research, breeding and releasing.
Philippines has a great diversity of butterflies, but they have been becoming rare each year. The center is helping to raise the butterfly population, and at the same time, bring money to the local government. The center also releasing a large number of butterflies in the wild to help increase their population.
The center has an open butterfly garden where a lot of butterflies naturally visit. It's designed and planned carefully with specialized plants that attract butterflies. When we visit, we've seen a lot of butterflies and most of them are kind of tamed.  They don't fly away when we are near, we even hold a flower with more than 2 butterflies.
The garden is really beautiful, you can either just sit there and look at the garden or take a stroll around. They have a lot of displays along the way.  And the tour guides know a lot of photo effects with the butterfly's displays, it was amazingly fun.
Oh and the center has a tarsier mascot with whom you can take pictures with. The center is opened from 8:00am to 5:00pm daily. Entrance fee is Php40.00 for adults and Php10.00 for children. If you love nature, specifically butterflies, this is the perfect place for you.
Address: Poblacion, Bilar, Bohol, Philippines

On my second visit with my family, we we're not able to visit the center because it's already closed by the time we arrived.


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