Kamay ni Hesus Healing Church

Kamay ni Hesus Healing Church is located inside the vicinity of the Kamay ni Hesus and situated just before the hill where the Ascending Jesus statue is standing. The church is a very popular place for people with illness and has found nothing to cure them.
Founder of the Kamay ni Hesus Ministry Foundation, Inc. (KHMFI), Reverend Father Joseph "Joey" Faller, a native of Lucban, performs a healing mass in this  church.  Father Joey perform a lot of healing miracles not only in the Philippines but also in other countries.
View of the church from atop the hill
Father Joey nearly died in a car accident in 1994 that permanently left his two fingers broken. An operation was made to correct the two fingers, but only the other one was fixed. The other one is left broken and it resembles the hand of the Resurrected Christ and that of the Sto. Nino. He said, it's the way of God to tell him to wear his hand.
View of the church from Eden Garden
I've been here 3 times already but wasn't able to attend the mass, but I'll make sure that next time, it's only reason for my visit. If ever you want to visit the shrine and attend a mass at the same time, below are the schedules of regular & healing mass at the church.
A candle station can be found right after the statue of Pietà.  You can light a candle for any wishes or petitions.  You can either buy a candle here or from the vendors at the entrance of the shrine.
Candle Station at the exit gate
This place is a haven for all troubled souls. If you are planning on visiting the shrine, please click here on how to get there.


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